BMECatManager for Microsoft Access
- Redundancy-free data maintenance via relational data model
- Referencing of image data
- Data output in XML (BMEcat 2005 / BMEcat 2.0)
- Import of data from other Office applications, e.g. Excel
- Easy addition of own data fields
- Input mask can be extended independently
- Adaptable source code for BMECat export to VBA
- BMECatManager is available for download free of charge
Looking for a maintenance tool for BMECat? BMECatManager for Microsoft Access!
Download (free software): BMEcatManager for Access
Data maintenance for BMECat2005 under MS-Access
The BMECat format is the ideal format for data exchange between companies, between the applications of companies, and also between internal and external applications within a company. A typical internal use case is the import of product master data via BMECat into Internet shops.
BMECatManager: Maintenance mask for product data
The BMECatManager open source project is a free software for the maintenance and output of product data for the BMECat (version 2005) data exchange format. With this application, Sepia provides you with your own data maintenance environment based on the Access database software included in Microsoft Office. The data model is relational and can be easily extended. The input mask allows you to maintain an unlimited number of products. The included scripts can be adapted and extended.
Simply add data fields according to the BMECat standard
The BMECatManager does not contain all possible data fields according to the BMECat standard. Users can therefore add individually required data fields to the application themselves. Access to the central location for managing the data fields is possible directly via the input form.
Add data fields to the data model according to the BMECat standard
Using central lists
In BMECatManager, you maintain data "redundancy-free". This means that duplicate data records are avoided. For multiple use of the same data set, it is entered in central lists once and can then be selected from the input mask. These lists can be accessed via a form and can be extended independently.
Use central lists
Assign image data
Image data and documents can be stored in a folder that is itself stored relative to the pertaining application. A reference to these files can then be created in the database. On the product, you can refer to as many files as you like, including a reference to the purpose of use.
Assign image data
Keywords from keyword lists
In BMECatManager you can centrally maintain keyword lists for your eCommerce applications or website contents. You can select any number of terms from these lists for the product. The keywords are output in the export according to the BMECat standard.
Assign keywords for eCommerce
Import of existing data from Excel or .CSV
Access comes with an import wizard that can be used to easily import data from other data sources such as Excel, .CSV or other databases. This allows you to extend or update your existing BMECat data.
Easy adaptation of input masks
You can adapt or extend existing input masks as required. The existing mask definitions are open for development.
Masks in definition mode
OpenSource export module
The included export module for BMECat2005 is written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and can be adapted or extended with some experience in Office programming. In the provided form, the module exports all data, which can be maintained via the input mask.
Source code of the export module
Most important data fields from BMECat2005 already available
The database corresponds to the requirements for a relational data model. The delivered data model contains the most important data fields of the BMECat standard. If data fields or structures are missing, they can be easily integrated.
The relational data model of BMECatManager
Download (free software): BMEcatManager for Access
BMECatManager for MS Access
A video with information for a quick start can be found here: Screencast - Data Maintenance in BMECatManager
Other Downloads
- BMEcatConverter GUI 3.2 MS Windows needs NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.17
- BMEcatConverter CLI 3.2 Microsoft Windows
- BMEcatConverter CLI 3.2 Apple OSX
- BMEcatConverterCLI 3.2 Linux
- BMEcatConverter Installation Info
- BMEcatConverter - FAQ
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